Mckenzie Hyde

Instagram Projects
Illustrations created for Instagram out of my own desires and to improve on my use of digital art .Top: Illustrations for a concept comic idea of only kids left in an apocalyptic world- A lot of these ideas come from all sorts of places - I tend to like to use post its the most when jotting down new ideas. Below is the process of adding a somewhat 'gritty texture to the art.

Top Row: Instagram Demon Piece for mini- competition online. Close up of spot drawing. Instagram re-draw - practicing with coloring to create realistic fabric texture and lighting.
Middle Row: Illustration Process for an editorial-fashion inspired piece, from the vintage vogue magazine cover to the finished stylistic art.

A lot of the art is inspired by 80s coloring and future aesthetic.
Top Row: Instagram redraws in my own style.
Bottom Row: Instagram redraw in my own style, self portrait in 2020 to represent how I felt throughout the year.

Left: Self Portrait in 2018 of the thoughts of the future, and challenging myself to include as many small details as possible. Right: Part of a series explaining how I realized I am bisexual through the media I consumed growing up- the art is inspired by the song 'Jenny' from Studio Killers .